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Torah can be examined on many different levels, each deepening our understanding and appreciation. These levels are known by the acronym פרדס (PaRDeS), which means "orchard."


P'shat is where we gain simple understandings. Kindergarten and 1st graders start here.

​Renewal: High Holy Days

  • Identify the symbols and ritual items associated with the holiday

  • Sequence the narrative of the holiday

  • Associate the holiday with its appropriate season

  • Identify the proper Hebrew names of the holiday

  • Recite the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Identify ritual practices associated with the holiday

  • Hypothesize about the values associated with the holiday based on the holiday narrative

Lifelong Learning: Talmud Torah

  • Describe the Torah as a scroll that has five books

  • Demonstrate understanding that a portion (or selection) from the Torah is read each week in synagogue

  • Use the words "Torah" and "parsha" in proper contexts

  • Demonstrate appropriate behavior around a Torah scroll

  • Raise questions about the Torah narratives

Holiness: Shabbat

  • Identify the symbols and ritual items associated with the holiday

  • Sequence the narrative of the holiday

  • Associate the holiday with its appropriate season

  • Identify the proper Hebrew names of the holiday

  • Recite the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Identify ritual practices associated with the holiday

  • Hypothesize about the values associated with the holiday based on the holiday narrative

Miracles: Chanukah

  • Identify the symbols and ritual items associated with the holiday

  • Sequence the narrative of the holiday

  • Associate the holiday with its appropriate season

  • Identify the proper Hebrew names of the holiday

  • Recite the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Identify ritual practices associated with the holiday

  • Hypothesize about the values associated with the holiday based on the holiday narrative

Living Jewishly

  • Identify kippah and tallit as unique and special Jewish garb.

  • Demonstrate appropriate behavior in t'fillah

  • Identify mezuzah, Torah scroll, Aron Kodesh, ner tamid

  • Demonstrate understanding of Judaism as a way of life that guides us even when deciding what to eat

  • Recite blessings over food including: Hamotzi, pri hagafen, minei m'zonot

  • Use Jewish vocabulary to mark significant life moments (mazal tov, shehecheyanu, yom huledet sameiach)

Joy: Purim

  • Identify the symbols and ritual items associated with the holiday

  • Sequence the narrative of the holiday

  • Associate the holiday with its appropriate season

  • Identify the proper Hebrew names of the holiday

  • Recite the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Identify ritual practices associated with the holiday

  • Hypothesize about the values associated with the holiday based on the holiday narrative

Freedom: Passover

  • Identify the symbols and ritual items associated with the holiday

  • Sequence the narrative of the holiday

  • Associate the holiday with its appropriate season

  • Identify the proper Hebrew names of the holiday

  • Recite the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Identify ritual practices associated with the holiday

  • Hypothesize about the values associated with the holiday based on the holiday narrative

Hope: Israel

  • Identify the Israel flag and the magen David

  • Demonstrate understanding that Israel is the homeland of the Jews and is also the home to many different types of people from all over the world

  • Demonstrate understanding that Israel is a country in which every person is free to live as they choose and practice their own beliefs


​Renewal: High Holy Days

  • Associate the holiday symbols and ritual items with their proper Hebrew names

  • Describe details of the narrative of the holiday

  • Sequence the holidays in the Jewish calendar

  • Use appropriate holiday greetings

  • Recite selected liturgical pieces associated with the holiday

  • Explain the meaning of "mitzvah" as "commandment" and "minhag" as "custom"

  • Identify details in the holiday narrative that lead to the practice of specific Jewish values

Lifelong Learning: Talmud Torah

  • Describe how a Torah scroll is written

  • Demonstrate understanding that each parsha tells a part of the story of the Torah and together represent the collective memory of the Jewish people

  • Use the words "aron", "bimah" and "amud" in proper contexts

  • Explain why we stand when the Torah is standing

  • Recognize patterns in Torah narratives and commentaries

Holiness: Shabbat

  • Associate the holiday symbols and ritual items with their proper Hebrew names

  • Describe details of the narrative of the holiday

  • Sequence the holidays in the Jewish calendar

  • Use appropriate holiday greetings

  • Recite selected liturgical pieces associated with the holiday

  • Explain the meaning of "mitzvah" as "commandment" and "minhag" as "custom"

  • Identify details in the holiday narrative that lead to the practice of specific Jewish values

Miracles: Chanukah

  • Associate the holiday symbols and ritual items with their proper Hebrew names

  • Describe details of the narrative of the holiday

  • Sequence the holidays in the Jewish calendar

  • Use appropriate holiday greetings

  • Recite selected liturgical pieces associated with the holiday

  • Explain the meaning of "mitzvah" as "commandment" and "minhag" as "custom"

  • Identify details in the holiday narrative that lead to the practice of specific Jewish values

Living Jewishly

  • Demonstrate understanding of why many Jews choose to dress up or differently on Shabbat and holidays

  • Demonstrate understanding of the role of the rabbi, cantor and shaliach tzibur in the ritual life of the synagogue

  • Distinguish between menorah and hanukkiyah and demonstrate understanding of the connection between the menorah and the ner tamid

  • Categorize foods as Biblically kosher or not kosher

  • Recite blessings over food including: Shehakol nihiyeh bidvaro, pri ha'adamah, pri ha'eitz

  • Identify key characteristics of brit milah and simchat bat

Joy: Purim

  • Associate the holiday symbols and ritual items with their proper Hebrew names

  • Describe details of the narrative of the holiday

  • Sequence the holidays in the Jewish calendar

  • Use appropriate holiday greetings

  • Recite selected liturgical pieces associated with the holiday

  • Explain the meaning of "mitzvah" as "commandment" and "minhag" as "custom"

  • Identify details in the holiday narrative that lead to the practice of specific Jewish values

Freedom: Passover

  • Associate the holiday symbols and ritual items with their proper Hebrew names

  • Describe details of the narrative of the holiday

  • Sequence the holidays in the Jewish calendar

  • Use appropriate holiday greetings

  • Recite selected liturgical pieces associated with the holiday

  • Explain the meaning of "mitzvah" as "commandment" and "minhag" as "custom"

  • Identify details in the holiday narrative that lead to the practice of specific Jewish values

Hope: Israel

  • Demonstrate understanding that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that the Kotel is in Jerusalem

  • Name three elements that make Israel uniquely Jewish


Remez is where we learn to see hints of deeper meanings. 2nd and 3rd graders start here.​

These learning goals are in addition to our Hebrew studies using the Hebrew Through Movement program.


D'rash is where we immerse ourselves in Jewish wisdom and interpretation. 4th and 5th graders start here.

These learning goals are in addition to our Hebrew studies using the Hebrew Through Movement program.

​Renewal: High Holy Days

  • Demonstrate proper use of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Draw connections between the holiday narrative/big ideas and the ritual practices of the holiday

  • Connect the holiday narrative with the season/timing of the holiday

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate understanding of their meanings

  • Read the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items along with selected liturgical pieces and will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key words of those b'rachot and t'fillot

  • Categorize holiday rituals as mitzvah or minhag

  • Draw conclusions about the values associated with each holiday based on the holiday narrative and ritual practices

Lifelong Learning: Talmud Torah

  • Sequence the five books of the Torah in Hebrew and English

  • Describe how the parshiot of the Torah are categorized into five books

  • Identify the me'il, yad, keter, chagura (wimpel), and atzei chayim

  • Lift and dress the Torah (hagbah and gelilah)

  • Distinguish between Torah narrative and interpretation in selected texts

Holiness: Shabbat

  • Demonstrate proper use of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Draw connections between the holiday narrative/big ideas and the ritual practices of the holiday

  • Connect the holiday narrative with the season/timing of the holiday

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate understanding of their meanings

  • Read the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items along with selected liturgical pieces and will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key words of those b'rachot and t'fillot

  • Categorize holiday rituals as mitzvah or minhag

  • Draw conclusions about the values associated with each holiday based on the holiday narrative and ritual practices

Miracles: Chanukah

  • Demonstrate proper use of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Draw connections between the holiday narrative/big ideas and the ritual practices of the holiday

  • Connect the holiday narrative with the season/timing of the holiday

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate understanding of their meanings

  • Read the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items along with selected liturgical pieces and will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key words of those b'rachot and t'fillot

  • Categorize holiday rituals as mitzvah or minhag

  • Draw conclusions about the values associated with each holiday based on the holiday narrative and ritual practices

Living Jewishly

  • Don a tallit with the corresponding blessing and demonstrate understanding of when it is worn

  • Demonstrate ability to follow the prayer motions associated with appropriate prayers

  • Demonstrate understanding of tzitzit/tallit and the role they play in prayer and Jewish life

  • Demonstrate understanding of the law against mixing meat and milk

  • Read and recite blessings over food including: Hamotzi, pri hagafen, minei m'zonot, shehakol nihiyeh bidvaro, pri ha'adamah, pri ha'eitz

  • Identify key characteristics ofJewish wedding and Jewish funeral rituals

Joy: Purim

  • Demonstrate proper use of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Draw connections between the holiday narrative/big ideas and the ritual practices of the holiday

  • Connect the holiday narrative with the season/timing of the holiday

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate understanding of their meanings

  • Read the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items along with selected liturgical pieces and will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key words of those b'rachot and t'fillot

  • Categorize holiday rituals as mitzvah or minhag

  • Draw conclusions about the values associated with each holiday based on the holiday narrative and ritual practices

Freedom: Passover

  • Demonstrate proper use of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Draw connections between the holiday narrative/big ideas and the ritual practices of the holiday

  • Connect the holiday narrative with the season/timing of the holiday

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate understanding of their meanings

  • Read the b’rachot associated with the holiday symbols and ritual items along with selected liturgical pieces and will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key words of those b'rachot and t'fillot

  • Categorize holiday rituals as mitzvah or minhag

  • Draw conclusions about the values associated with each holiday based on the holiday narrative and ritual practices

Hope: Israel

  • Provide examples of how Israel made the desert bloom

  • Describe three ethnic groups in Israel including their music, customs, foods and how they came to be in Israel

  • Describe what a democratic state is and some of the elements that make Israel a democratic state


​Renewal: High Holy Days

  • Explain the meaning and significance of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Describe the big ideas of each holiday and will be able to draw connections to their lives

  • Recognize patterns amongst the holidays of the Jewish calendar and express the holidays' relationships to one another

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate comprehension of their meanings

  • Express the meaning of each b'racha associated with the holiday symbols and of selected liturgical pieces

  • Draw connections between the mitzvot and minhagim of each holiday and the holiday narrative and big ideas

  • Express how the holiday values are lived through the ritual practices of the holiday

Lifelong Learning: Talmud Torah

  • Identify the Torah as one of three parts of the Tanakh and will be able to identify when in the Jewish calendar we read selections from each

  • Identify the name of their bar/bat mitzvah parsha, the name of the book it comes from and the meaning of their parsha's name

  • Distinguish between parshat hashavua and haftarah, indicating from where in the Tanakh each comes from

  • Have an aliyah by reciting the appropriate b'rachot and following appropriate "stage direction"

  • Analyze and interpret a text using appropriate commentaries with guidance

Holiness: Shabbat

  • Explain the meaning and significance of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Describe the big ideas of each holiday and will be able to draw connections to their lives

  • Recognize patterns amongst the holidays of the Jewish calendar and express the holidays' relationships to one another

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate comprehension of their meanings

  • Express the meaning of each b'racha associated with the holiday symbols and of selected liturgical pieces

  • Draw connections between the mitzvot and minhagim of each holiday and the holiday narrative and big ideas

  • Express how the holiday values are lived through the ritual practices of the holiday

Miracles: Chanukah

  • Explain the meaning and significance of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Describe the big ideas of each holiday and will be able to draw connections to their lives

  • Recognize patterns amongst the holidays of the Jewish calendar and express the holidays' relationships to one another

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate comprehension of their meanings

  • Express the meaning of each b'racha associated with the holiday symbols and of selected liturgical pieces

  • Draw connections between the mitzvot and minhagim of each holiday and the holiday narrative and big ideas

  • Express how the holiday values are lived through the ritual practices of the holiday

Living Jewishly

  • Don tefillin with the corresponding blessings and demonstrate understanding of when it is worn

  • Serve as a Shaliach Tzibur showing poise and leadership

  • Demonstrate understanding of tefillin and the role they play in prayer and Jewish life

  • Demonstrate understanding of kashrut as both a matter of product and process and identify primary kashrut symbols on packaged foods

  • Read and recite first paragraph of birkat hamazon

  • Identify main elements of a bar/bat mitzvah celebration and demonstrate understanding of the signifance of bar/bat mitzvah celebration

Joy: Purim

  • Explain the meaning and significance of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Describe the big ideas of each holiday and will be able to draw connections to their lives

  • Recognize patterns amongst the holidays of the Jewish calendar and express the holidays' relationships to one another

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate comprehension of their meanings

  • Express the meaning of each b'racha associated with the holiday symbols and of selected liturgical pieces

  • Draw connections between the mitzvot and minhagim of each holiday and the holiday narrative and big ideas

  • Express how the holiday values are lived through the ritual practices of the holiday

Freedom: Passover

  • Explain the meaning and significance of the holiday symbols and ritual items

  • Describe the big ideas of each holiday and will be able to draw connections to their lives

  • Recognize patterns amongst the holidays of the Jewish calendar and express the holidays' relationships to one another

  • Use appropriate holiday vocabulary in proper context and demonstrate comprehension of their meanings

  • Express the meaning of each b'racha associated with the holiday symbols and of selected liturgical pieces

  • Draw connections between the mitzvot and minhagim of each holiday and the holiday narrative and big ideas

  • Express how the holiday values are lived through the ritual practices of the holiday

Hope: Israel

  • Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East and locate key geographical areas and cities on a map of Israel

  • Engage in a dialogue about some of the unique challenges Israel faces as a multi-cultural and Jewish state.

  • Compare and contrast the Israeli government and the American government


Sod is where we discover the sacred secrets that our learning holds for us. 6th and 7th graders start here.

These learning goals are in addition to our Hebrew studies using "Let's Learn Hebrew Side by Side".

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