Our youngest learners love celebrating with their families and friends and so our Shorashim program focuses on family learning. Shorashim (K-1) meet every Sunday morning from 10am-12pm. We encourage the whole family to join us at Playground Shabbat on the third Saturday morning of each month from 10am-12pm and at our community holiday celebrations.
To nurture friendships and a sense of community amongst young families
To celebrate Jewish living in a hands-on, experiential manner
To encourage "take-out Judaism"' Judaism that can be taken from the temple into families' homes​
Machaneh is a camp-like environment in which Shorashim (K-1), Nitzanim (2-3) and Kochavim (4-5) engage in experiential learning much like they do at Jewish camps. Machaneh includes hands-on activities like gardening, sports, arts and crafts, drama and more. Each activity is crafted with a focus on Hebrew language and Jewish values education with an eye toward the Jewish calendar and parshat hashavua.
Playground Shabbat meets one Saturday morning a month from 10am-12pm on the temple playground and invites families to share Shabbat morning together with challah, grape juice and friends.
Families are also actively engaged in temple-wide family programming including Sukkah Sunday, Simchat Torah, and the Purim celebration.
Nitzanim and Kochavim are all about finding the joy in Judaism and using all of our senses to experience and grow. Nitzanim (2nd-3rd) meet Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm on campus and online for one session during the week.
To create a joyful Jewish learning environment
To engage children in hands-on learning experiences
To create a sense of “kehillah” (community) amongst children
To make temple and Judaism “cool”

Machaneh is a camp-like environment in which Shorashim (K-1), Nitzanim (2-3) and Kochavim (4-5) engage in experiential learning much like they do at Jewish camps. Machaneh includes hands-on activities like gardening, sports, arts and crafts, drama and more. Each activity is crafted with a focus on Hebrew language and Jewish values education with an eye toward the Jewish calendar and parshat hashavua.
Chevruta means “partnership.” In Chevruta, students meet once a week, in one-to-one or small groups with a teacher for intensive 20-30 minute sessions focusing on Hebrew learning in the Sun Sinai Zoom room.
In between sessions, students will continue and deepen their learning through www.sunsinai.org. www.sunsinai.org, our online learning portal, allows children to work at their own pace toward learning goals, earn virtual badges, and compete against themselves to grow each week.
Our Nitzanim and Kochavim families will also be invited to participate in family holiday programs throughout the year.

Nitzanim and Kochavim are all about finding the joy in Judaism and using all of our senses to experience and grow. Kochavim (4th-5th) meet Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm on campus and online for one session during the week.
To create a joyful Jewish learning environment
To engage children in hands-on learning experiences
To create a sense of “kehillah” (community) amongst children
To make temple and Judaism “cool”
Machaneh is a camp-like environment in which Shorashim (K-1), Nitzanim (2-3) and Kochavim (4-5) engage in experiential learning much like they do at Jewish camps. Machaneh includes hands-on activities like gardening, sports, arts and crafts, drama and more. Each activity is crafted with a focus on Hebrew language and Jewish values education with an eye toward the Jewish calendar and parshat hashavua.
Chevruta means “partnership.” In Chevruta, students meet once a week, in one-to-one or small groups with a teacher for intensive 20-30 minute sessions focusing on Hebrew learning in the Sun Sinai Zoom room.
In between sessions, students will continue and deepen their learning through www.sunsinai.org. www.sunsinai.org, our online learning portal, allows children to work at their own pace toward learning goals, earn virtual badges, and compete against themselves to grow each week.
Our Nitzanim and Kochavim families will also be invited to participate in family holiday programs throughout the year.
As our 6th and 7th grade children and families prepare to celebrate Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Sun Sinai helps them to deepen their learning and expand their knowledge. Nachshonim (6th-7th) meet Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm on campus and online for one session during the week. Nachshonim families also participate in a series of Family Programs in preparation for celebrating Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
To prepare children to master the skills needed to participate in their bar/bat mitzvah celebration and to feel a sense of accomplishment in mastering those skills
To nurture meaningful relationships with the clergy of Temple Sinai
To build a community of learners as families prepare to celebrate bar/bat mitzvah
To prepare families for the challenges and opportunities that bar/bat mitzvah presents

The Ulpan (intensive Hebrew) program meets from 10-11am on Sunday mornings and includes a virtual chevruta “check-in” (see below) during the week.
From 11-12pm students participate in a series of intensives with the clergy aimed at preparing students for bar/bat mitzvah and lifelong engagement with Jewish living and learning.
After Nachshonim students celebrate their bar/bat mitzvah they transition to be Madrichim-in-training for the Machaneh program on Sunday mornings.
In between sessions, students will continue and deepen their learning through mitzvahmission.com, our year-long mitzvah challenge website just for b’nei mitzvah.
Chevruta means “partnership.” In Chevruta, students meet once a week, in one-to-one or small groups with a teacher for intensive 20-30 minute sessions focusing on Hebrew learning in the Sun Sinai Zoom room.
Nachshonim engage in Family Learning as they prepare to become Bar/Bat Mitzvah as well. Programs include a Fall Family Shabbaton (6th), Ties that Bind and Remind (Early Winter), T’fillah Time (Late Winter), and Mitzvah Means Commandment (Early Spring).